Meet Anica McClure, Owner/Founder of Tea Flower Skincare

Tea Flower Skincare spa and beauty is located on James Island, South Carolina. They specialize in holistic and organic facials connecting their clients with nature and its natural balance to heal and nourish our skin.


Q: Tell us a little about your profession & why you do what you do:

A: My profession is a skin therapist (Esthetician) Being able to work with my hands through touch therapy is something I feel positively impacts people's lives and it gives me such an abundant feeling of purpose in my own life.   


Q: When not at work, where can we mostly find you?

A: You will find me somewhere in nature forest bathing or flower bathing.









Q: Where is your favorite place to dine in Charleston?

A: My favorite place to dine in Charleston is Taste of the Islands. I love Roti and the cook there is as home cooked as I can get from the Jamaican islands.

Q: If you could lounge anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: Anywhere my husband would be, he is my favorite person in the world and I love lounging with him...on the couch with our dog is our favorite place these days..haha

Q: What song best describes you?

A: "Whatever it takes" by Imagine Dragons - I love goal setting!

Q: What does comfort mean to you?

A: Comfort to me is caring for myself and focusing on what brings joy into my world.

Q: What might you say to someone who needs a little pick me up?

A: This depends on what kind of pick up a person may need for their given situation but some of my favorite things to say would be…

"Every flower blooms in its own time…"

"Keep your face to the sunshine…."

"You will have your day in the sun again…."

Q: If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

A: I would absolutely be loving on our little one eyed rescue dog Sophie. 

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A: This relates to a time of grief. The world does not stop when you are grieving and I felt like the world just expected me to be ok after a certain amount of time had passed and I will never forget a friend that said “ You don’t get over it, you get through it” and that has always stuck with me to take as much time as I need to get through it when this emotional weight hits your heart.

Q: What is one thing you cannot live without?

A: Lipstick (lol)

Q: Favorite thing to sleep in? 

A: Sweatpants

Q: What is your bucket list trip & why?

A:  I would love to go to Greece to learn about ancient beauty secrets. They are on point with food, wine, cosmetics and I feel like everything is derived from the Greeks.

Q: What kind of driver are you?

A: A very calm driver except that time a girl cut me off in her car, almost wrecked me then blew me a kiss from her mirror. I was livid!

Q: What makes you feel most empowered?

A: Loving unconditionally, living a life with integrity, being kind and giving from a place of pure love without any expectation.

Q: How do you recharge?

A: Music. I love music! Selfcare. I love selfcare! Gardening. I love gardening! Doing these little rituals personal to me is what helps me stay grounded.

Q: First thing you do when you get home from work?

A: Lose my mind over our dog!

Q: What makes you most uncomfortable?

A: Being in the energy of people that are on another frequency I cannot relate too, I need to get out of there fast..and I do!!! No time for that! Haha

Q: What’s one thing you would change about yourself?

A: You know I don’t know if I would change anything. I am not perfect by any means but I hold a deep amount of self love and understanding within myself at this point in my life (almost 50).  If you asked me this 10 years ago, I may have rattled off a number of things (probably physical) that were relevant to that time and the experiences that shaped me to that point but I am truly in a state of joy with my mind, my heart and the choices I have made to get here. I have a clear vision of my purpose. I feel like everyday is a gift to be a better version of yourself so I guess if I were to change anything it would just be to make those small adjustments each day that make you a better version of yourself. Nothing specific, just whatever you reflect on personally to make you better!

Q: What do you need to rant about or get off your chest?

A: Lol, nothing because I like to endure my misfortunes in silence.

Q: What’s your secret weapon?

A: Laughter, love and sleep!!!

Q: Any life hacks or secret talents we should know about?

A: Health is wealth! Sleep, Water, Eat Nutrient Dense Food, Exercise - 4 Key Pillars for me!

Q: Favorite recipe we need to know about?

A: Honey Zucchini Garlic Tomato Ricotta Naan Flat Breads are the cat’s pajamas!!!

Q: Anything else we need to know?

A: There is nothing greater in this world than to love and be loved…so spread as much love as you possibly can because what YOU do matters, big or small! Thank you for the thought provoking questions, they were delightful to answer and put into words! Love, Anica

Stay up to date with Anica & Tea Flower Skincare!

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August 29, 2024 — Kristin Gardner