Nicole Sciarrino, Founder/Owner of Whatever Heals You

Meet Nicole! Nicole has been wearing beaded gemstone bracelets for most of her adult life. When shopping for wedding jewelry, she felt frustrated because she couldn't find pieces she connected with. On her special day, she wanted to wear jewelry that represented her as a woman and soon-to-be wife. This led her to take her first jewelry-making class, and soon she had more bracelets than she could keep for herself.

As a psychologist, Nicole has a deep appreciation for unique strategies that can bring relief from mental health stressors. This inspired her to name her brand "Whatever Heals You."

What began as a desire to make her own wedding jewelry turned into a mission to create unique pieces that tell a story and reflect the unique characteristics in each person. Her designs are small batch or one-of-a-kind, incorporating a combination of gemstones and other materials, often within a single piece of jewelry. Nicole hopes that anyone drawn to her designs will feel a connection and find whatever heals them.

Q: Tell us a little about your profession & why you do what you do:

A: I am a psychologist with a specialty in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Please excuse me while I nerd out for a moment - I LOVE what I get to do every day. My job involves teaching clients how to confront their fears, to take back their power, and to reconnect with what is important to them - that is what keeps me doing what I do each day. 

Q: When not at work, where can we mostly find you?

A: Hhmmm…probably in one of four places: (1) at our kitchen table surrounded by beads, (2) on the back porch surrounded by beads, (3) out on a walk with one or more of our dogs listening to a true crime podcast, or (4) doing some kind of Peloton workout. 

Q: Where is your favorite place to dine in Charleston?

A: That is a tough question - Charleston has so many good eats. I’d have to say, I love Edison James Island! It’s one of those places where the food is consistently delicious! The green curry meatballs are my personal favorite; my only complaint is that I always want more. 

Q: If you could lounge anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: Italy, always Italy! Going there feels like a pilgrimage and I have definitely learned through my travels that being comfortable is the way to do it! In fact, I was definitely spotted wearing multiple LWU fits on our most recent trip!

Q: What song best describes you?

A: I’m not sure what song best describes me, but I can tell you that whenever I need to smile or laugh - or want to drive my husband crazy - you can find me blasting something by ABBA. “Take a Chance on Me” is one of my favorites to dance around to!

Q: What does comfort mean to you?

A: For me, comfort is all about being able to sit for an 8-hr work-day without having to unbutton my pants, ha! But seriously, it’s about finding something that makes me feel confident while also being movable, breathable, flattering, and sophisticated! I know, it’s a tall order. 

Q: What might you say to someone who needs a little pick me up?

A: You f**king got this! 

Q: If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

A: It’s a difficult balance between my day job, making jewelry, and spending quality time with my hubs. If I didn’t have to sleep, that’s when I would do my creating so that I could maximize my free time with those who are important to me. 

Q: What makes you feel most empowered?

A: A bad ass bracelet stack or a pair of hoop earrings! There’s nothing quite like having bracelets stacked halfway to my elbow while simultaneously embodying that big hoop energy!

Q: First thing you do when you get home from work?

A: Create! As soon as 4:00pm hits, I mosey downstairs, pull out my favorite strands of beads, and get to it while an audiobook or podcast plays in the background. 

Q: What makes you most uncomfortable?

A: Prolonged eye contact. If you ever catch me looking away while we’re speaking, it’s not personal

Q: What’s one thing you would change about yourself?

A: To care less about what other people think. I’ve always been a people pleaser and I take it personally when others are unhappy. I’m a work in progress in this regard. 

Q: Any life hacks or secret talents we should know about?

A: There is no growth without discomfort, so be sure to do things that make you uncomfortable! I mean, I wouldn’t have my jewelry available in LWU if I didn’t introduce myself and my jewelry to Erin! 

Q: Favorite recipe we need to know about?

A: I recently came across a dirty martini pasta recipe on Pinterest and it is such a great summery pasta dish! If you like olives and lemon - it is a must try!

Stay up to date with Nicole & Whatever Heals You!

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July 25, 2024 — Kristin Gardner