Meet Julie Kaminski / Health & Wellness Coach


Julie Kaminski is a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach with over 30 years of experience. She specializes in helping women create lives filled with joy, energy, and well-being. Julie’s journey began in the fitness world, but her expertise has expanded to include the science of Positive Psychology, recognizing that true wellness involves much more than just taking care of the body. With her guidance and practical tools, Julie empowers women to transform their lives and prioritize self-care for lasting fulfillment.



Q: Tell us a little about your profession & why you do what you do:

A: I like to say my job is helping women drop the juggling act and pick up a sparkler instead—because every woman deserves to shine and thrive! It’s my passion, my purpose, and, honestly, my calling. So many women are caught up spinning plates of must-dos that they put aside their heart’s desires. I love helping them prioritize their own health and happiness in ways that fit their beautifully chaotic lives.

What I do isn’t static—thank goodness—because what we need to thrive keeps evolving. My career has taken its own twists and turns, like a very determined synchronized swimmer (which I used to be!) navigating the waves of life. After my university axed our varsity team (rude, right?), I missed that sense of community and shared purpose. So, I turned to group fitness, where I found joy in helping women have fun while moving their bodies—38 years later, I still do.

From group fitness, I added personal training, dipped a toe into pharmaceuticals, and eventually earned a master’s in counseling psychology. Those pieces came together like a wellness jigsaw puzzle, and when health coaching became a field, I jumped in with both sneakers. In 2017, I became one of the world’s first Board Certified Health Coaches, and now I help women marry mind and body wellness with a hefty dose of fun and self-celebration.

Now, my work blends the best of all three worlds: coaching to inspire and empower, counseling to nurture and navigate the deeper challenges, and fitness training to help women reconnect with their bodies in joyful, intentional ways. It’s the ultimate trifecta for guiding women toward health, happiness, and the confidence to truly thrive.

Q: Where is your favorite place to dine in Charleston?

A: Ooh, this is such a tough question because Charleston is packed with incredible spots to eat! I’m a sucker for those smaller, tucked-away gems where the food is incredible, and the vibes are just right. If I have to pick just one, though, it’s 167 Sushi. My husband and I are big fans—not just of the ridiculously good sushi but also of the whole experience. The vibe is spot-on, the staff is fantastic, and their super cool playlists add a little extra fun, making 167 Sushi our favorite.

Q: When not at work, where can we mostly find you? 

A: When I’m not working with clients, you can usually find me at Form Charleston—either teaching or taking a class. Seriously, it’s one of my happy places! I love leading group fitness because it’s the perfect mix of energy, community, and movement, but I also sneak into classes whenever possible. The space is gorgeous, the workouts are amazing, and the staff and clients? Absolute gems! It’s like my home away from home—except with louder music and more lunges!

Q: If you could lounge anywhere in the world, where would it be? 

A: If I could lounge anywhere in the world, it’d be in the mountains of Telluride. There’s something about those peaks that speaks to my soul—it’s like Mother Nature herself is giving you a high-five for making it to the top of the See-Forever Trail, basking in the views, breathing in that crisp mountain air, and feeling like I’ve earned every second of that lounge.

Q: What song best describes you? 

A: If there’s one song that sums me up and always has me belting out (off-key, but with heart), it’s Closer I Am to Fine by the Indigo Girls. That lyric—“And the less I seek my source for some definitive / Closer I am to fine”—gets me every time. It’s a little reminder that life’s about the journey, not the perfect answers.

Q: What does comfort mean to you?

A: Comfort, to me, is the simple, heartwarming magic of having a happy family all together. It’s those moments when everyone’s under one roof, laughing and sharing. Add in some cozy blankets, and Spotty curled with one of the kids - and that’s my ultimate version of comfort.

Q: What might you say to someone who needs a little pick me up? 

A: Simple - “How can I support you?”

Q: If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? 

A: Another easy one -  making homemade gifts for loved ones covered in glitter and rhinestones.

Q: What makes you feel most empowered? 

A: Hands down, being surrounded by other women who radiate authenticity, strength, kindness, and empowerment. There’s just something electric about that energy—it reminds us how incredible women are when we lift each other. Together, we’re unstoppable—the kind of power that stays with you.

Q: How do you recharge? 

A: Easy—sleep! I firmly believe it’s the holy grail of wellness. Seriously, there’s nothing a good night’s rest can’t improve. Whether it’s my mood, energy, or ability to handle life’s curveballs, everything is better when I’m well-rested.

Q: First thing you do when you get home from work? 

A: Honestly, it’s usually pouring myself a glass of something bubbly. Something about that sparkle and celebrating a full day of life - even if it was just wrangling emails or acknowledging a little victory.

Q: What makes you most uncomfortable? 

A: Without a doubt, cruelty to children and animals—it makes my heart crumble. They’re the most vulnerable and innocent among us, and the thought of their suffering feels unbearable. That’s one of the reasons I started the Heart and Soul program. It’s my way of giving back and supporting charities that uplift women, children, and the environment.

Q: What’s one thing you would change about yourself? 

A: If I could change one thing about myself, it would be my patience—or, more accurately, my lack of it. I’m definitely a work in progress, though! Sometimes, my need to fix things or check the box ASAP isn’t ideal. But I’m learning to slow down and remind myself that not everything needs to be done quickly.

Q: Any life hacks or secret talents we should know about? 

A: Well, I did write a book about using your home as a tool to support your health and happiness, so I guess you could say I’ve got a whole manual of life hacks up my sleeve! It’s packed with tips and tricks to make life easier, from creating sleep sanctuaries to organized entries. My secret talent? Turning “home sweet home” into “home smart home” for health and happiness!

Q: Favorite recipe we need to know about? 

A: I’m a walking kitchen disaster. Seriously, I once burned rice three times in one night. Thankfully, my husband is a fantastic cook, so his culinary skills save our meals. My secret recipe? Staying out of the kitchen and cheering him on from a safe distance!

Q: Anything else we need to know?

A: Yes! I’m thrilled to open a practice in Charleston alongside the amazing Jennie Brooks and Longevity. It’s such an exciting new chapter, and I can’t wait to bring our shared passion for helping others thrive to this incredible community. Together, we’re creating something special—and I couldn’t be more excited for what’s ahead!

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A: It’s something my husband reminds me of often: the value of patience. He reassures me that the answers will reveal themselves in time. It’s a gentle nudge to trust the process, let things unfold, and know that sometimes the best solutions show up when you’re not trying to force them. Wise words I’m still working on putting into practice!

Q: What is one thing you cannot live without?

A: Love. It’s my north star, my guiding light, and—fun fact—it consistently ranks as my top signature strength in positive psychology. Love fuels everything I do, from my relationships to my work helping others thrive. It’s the ultimate connection.

Q: What is your favorite thing to sleep in?

A: This might be outside the box, but it’s my trusty set of Loop earplugs! My son used to work for the company, and let me tell you, these high-tech, super-comfy little wonders have completely transformed my sleep. They block out annoying noise that often disrupts the eight-hour goal. My sleep quality has never been better—which, as you’ve probably guessed by now, I consider the holy grail of wellness.

Q: What is your bucket list trip & why?

A: Oh, it’s a big one—I’d love to set off on an adventure to Bhutan, Cambodia, and Vietnam…via private jet! These magical destinations are brimming with rich culture, and while I love a good adventure, my days of camping and roughing it are firmly in the rearview mirror. A dream vacation for me is the perfect mix of adventure and indulgence, paired with once-in-a-lifetime unforgettable experiences.

Q: What kind of driver are you?

A: Interesting question! I’d say I’m cautious—maybe even a little too defensive at times. I’m that person who double-checks before pulling out and leaves plenty of space between cars.

Q: What do you need to rant about or get off your chest?

A: Lately, most of my rants center around reproductive rights. It’s such an important issue, and I can’t help but feel fired up about ensuring women have the freedom and support to make choices that are right for their own bodies and lives. We met Amanda Zurowski this past September. It’s a conversation that needs to stay front and center.

Q: What’s your secret weapon?

A: Empathy. It’s like my superpower—it helps me connect with people on a deeper level, understand their struggles, and cheer them on toward their goals. Whether coaching, teaching, or just being a friend, empathy lets me meet people where they are and help them see what’s possible. Bonus secret weapon? A killer playlist to energize any moment—because sometimes, a good song can make just about anything better!

Learn More | Julie Kaminski Website


December 17, 2024 — Kristin Gardner